Nya Gregor Fleron grew up in Copenhagen, Denmark, and makes her home in New York City where she runs a freelance web and graphic design business with an international clientele - Vidya Design. Since her teenage years, she has written poetry and later in her early 20s began to explore the world of fiction. In 1998, she graduated from New York City College with a Master’s degree in Creative Writing & English. She is an avid student and practitioner of energy healing, tantra and yoga. Her greatest passion is the human heart and our capacity to love. One of her life missions is to learn to love completely, surrendering herself and her heart, then share that with the world.
A Personal Note
Since I learned how to write, I remember writing. Stories in school, making up stories when playing with my brother, doing improvisation theater growing up, but most importantly I remember writing diaries diligently. I never was much of a talker, unless the right inspiration or motivation came to me, so the medium of writing has always suited my nature well. I am usually motivated and inspired to write. It is my world, my creation, and no one there will judge or disturb me in my creating, not even myself. I simply enjoy the journey too much. My gift is that I never lack imagination or playfulness to see beyond my own four walls; there is enough out there and in here to create stories for a life time.
I have dedicated myself to live my life with an open mind and heart. It may mean that there will be disappointments and hurts, but I have learnt to breathe and be present with whatever I am doing and to trust that I will get stronger and more balanced. I am an evolving being. The passion and love I have for writing, I also have for people and for life in general. I practice my love and wonder for life through my writing. And I have discovered much new about myself and my surroundings through this practice.
Growing up, I learned to pay attention and I enjoyed exploring my own imagination. As a baby, I have been told, I could spend hours by myself, playing without ever asking for company or even being discontent. As a teenager dealing with what most teenagers deal with one way or another, I discovered writing was an excellent way of grasping what I was going through, learning to feel comfortable with starting the journey to knowing myself. I started out writing poetry in high school, reading or showing them to piers and sharing my thoughts with friends. Slowly the writing became a larger part of my life. I still didn’t feel I had absorbed and observed enough to write stories yet though. That came on my first travels to New Zealand, twenty years old. Since then I haven’t stopped writing stories. It just makes sense to me. It fulfills the part of me that longs to share and give. It took another six years before I began to write Above the Underground – my first novel to be completed. This was after I started doing yoga, and this book is on a personal level really about the beginnings of my exploring my spiritual side.
Beyond Our Perceptions
If you open your eyes a little more, beyond your own perceptions of what is true, beyond the bubble you live in, it may inspire you to open your heart more, and you may just have a real experience of the wonder and beauty of being in this world. When you start relating to the world you are part of and know that nothing happens at random, you will become more intimate with yourself. And intimacy is what the world needs more of. We need to be more of ourselves, more! In being true to ourselves, we can let in the joy and light and we will all benefit from it.
Kali's Gift
Kali's Gift is my third book and I wrote it when I was living in Australia. I gained a lot of enjoyment from writing it. Funny enough, the awakenings I write of in this book, I have experienced this past year (2012), so it is very fitting for me to finally publish the book. I have published it through lulu.com, where you can order it or you can order it through me here.
Nya's BLOG
It is my intention to keep a blog on this website of my life, travelings and revelations. I want this to be personal. I think relationship is what the world is about, if we are not transparent and genuine in the way we relate to the world, we are really missing out on a lot. People, whether they are aware of it or not, will pick up where you are coming from. So what would be the point to hide behind pride or fear, if we cannot really hide from anything? If we want to bring more joy and love into the world, into our lives, we need to believe in it and be it in our behaviour and approach. Be yourself, feel excited about who you are, your gifts and skills, reach out to the world in whatever way you can. Be courageous! I know you can do it.
Happiness Project
Her most recent book is Staying Happy: Personal Happiness Through Movement and Love. You can read more about it at stayinghappybook.com .