She let you into her body and spirit,
surrendered her heart to you
and you tell her
from the pillar you put yourself and her on
that she is not what you expected she'd be,
"You are too sensitive
to my words of advice".
"You are too insecure
and need too much confirmation from me".
Still, she opened herself up to you,
let you touch her most deepest parts.
She knows she is okay the way she is,
even when she shows you her doubts and fears.
Her heart is wide enough to hold all emotions.
She wants to know that she is okay with you.
She wants to be moved by a man like you
who accept your woman and show her kindness
by letting your invested pride go.
She knows you are a man,
she feels it and yes, admires it,
she would never want you to be anything else than you,
and she equally wants your love and sensitivity,
your muscles and focused mind
She knows you are no less of a man,
when you tune into that love & bond
that you create together, that tolerance that
the whole world is in acute need of.
She comes to you as she is,
knowing that she is not flawless,
but that she is perfect anyway.
All the parts that shape her co-exist
like music in perfect harmony.
Somewhere in the middle, she needs to be met
or else this arrangement between you two
will be partisan, disconnected and
of no value to either of you.
She surrendered her heart to you,
and with all your finger pointing,
your heart, unquestionably, has to learn
in her is the reflection of you
your greatest fears, concealed from all.
Whatever you say to her, you say to yourself.
The more you judge her, the more your fingers will burn.
When you fathom her heart is the greatest gift,
you can ever receive in life, you will become a man.
Nya Gregor Fleron, January 14, 2014